Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Vayeitzei 5770 – Insights from the Life of Yaakov Avinu (Entire Shiur)

Speaker: R’ Nasan Maimon. During his 14 years as a student of Shem veEver, Yaakov Avinu didn’t allow himself a single night’s rest because he was immersed in Torah study (Rashi on Bereishis 28:9-11). Yet when he arrived at the holiest place on earth and was about to receive one of the most significant prophecies of his life, he allowed himself fall asleep. Why?

This shiur is in memory of 

ראובן בן יוסף ע”ה

Ruben ben Yosef, who was niftar in chodesh MarCheshvan 5777. May the holy teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov shared on his behalf bring his neshoma aliyos (ascents) forever.

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