Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Breslov Torah for Women/ נשי ברסלב

Sheilos and Teshuvos About Kashrus – Microwaves – Cutting Vegetables – Warming Challah on Shabbos

Kashrus – Microwaves – Cutting Vegetables – Warming Challah on Shabbos – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded on 1989-02-14.)
00:00 – How a yahrzeit is calculated the first year.
02:41 – How a microwave oven can be used for both milchig and fleishig.
04:20 – Microwaves on Pesach.
07:21 – Onions and scallions.
11:40 – Cutting vegetables.
12:00 – It’s forbidden to warm challah in a milchig or fleishig oven.
14:53 – Kashrus of an unused pot. A Kli can only be kashered if it’s one piece.
18:13 – Glass – Ashkenazic tradition and Sefardic tradition.
19:57 – Warming up challah Shabbos by placing it on top of a pareve water urn.
21:09 – To kasher a grate over the stove flame – wipe it clean and then burn for 20 minutes.

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