Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
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Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 19:25 — 8.9MB)
Shevachey HaRan 1 – Lesson 9 – Para. 24-27 – Praises of Rebbe Nachman – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 24. Rabbi Nachman describes how he gained mastery over his tolerance of physical discomfort but training himself not to react to itching sensations.
07:56 – PARAGRAPH 25. The importance of being stubborn and determined when it comes to overcoming negative character traits and bad habits.
11:53 – PARAGRAPH 26. Rabbi Nachman opposed the concept that a person inherits good character. He insisted that anyone can achieve greatness, no matter what their background is. The story of “The Rabbi’s Only Son” from Sipurey Masiyos.
16:27 – PARAGRAPH 27. (Last paragraph in Part 1 of Shevachey HaRan – Part 2 is about Rabbi Nachman’s journey to Eretz Yisrael). The most important thing in life is: crying out to Hashem in hisbodedus – personal prayer in one’s own words.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.