Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Sefer HaMidos - The Alef-Bet Book/ ספר המדות

Sefer HaMidos – Lesson 07 – Emes 38 – 51

Sefer HaMidos – Lesson 07 – Emes 38 – 51 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Recorded on 1989-11-14.)
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 38.
06:44 – PARAGRAPH 39.
11:55 – PARAGRAPH 40.
16:56 – PARAGRAPH 41.
19:56 – PARAGRAPH 42.
20:38 – PARAGRAPH 43.
23:25 – PARAGRAPH 44.
25:35 – PARAGRAPH 45.
26:55 – PARAGRAPH 46.
28:16 – PARAGRAPH 47.
30:08 – PARAGRAPH 48.
31:40 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 66.
32:08 – PARAGRAPH 49.
34:19 – PARAGRAPH 50.
40:04 – PARAGRAPH 51.

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