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R' Rosenfeld - Sichos HaRan/ שיחות הר"ן - רבי צבי אריה רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – Sichos HaRan 250 – 251 – 252 – 253 – 254 – 255 – 256 – 257 – How To Make a Living – Encouragement for the Childless – Shabbos – Akdamos – Dairy and Meat Meals on Shavuos – Eyes of the Tzaddik

Sichos HaRan 250 – 251 – 252 – 253 – 254 – 255 – 256 – 257 – How To Make a Living – Encouragement for the Childless – Shabbos – Dairy and Meat Meals on Shavuos – Eyes of the Tzaddik – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Lesson RW45b. Recorded 1978-06-05.)
*00:00 – SICHAH 250. A person should not worry about parnassah – earning a livelihood. The life of a Jew is based on emunah – faith. Worrying will not provide a person with what he needs. This doesn’t mean waiting for a miracle. A person does need to take positive action.
08:00 – SICHAH 251. Rebbe Nachman advised some people (not all) to read through the entire TeNaCH between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Hoshanah Rabbah.
10:50 – SICHAH 252. A person can taste Gan Eden if he is close to a true tzaddik.
15:25 – SICHAH 253. Rebbe Nachman’s encouraged a man who was childless by assuring him that the offspring of a tzaddik are his good deeds. Then the Rebbe advised the man to give a pidyon nefesh, and the couple had a son. The Tzaddik Emes – then, and now – helps couples bear children.
23:50 – SICHAH 254. Shabbos is like a lavish and joyful wedding. It’s a mitzvah to always be happy, but especially so on Shabbos.
*26:45 – SICHAH 255. It’s easier to advise others than it is to advise oneself. When a person seeks good counsel, the key is to first present the question to HaShem in Hisbodedus.
31:00 – SICHAH 256. Rebbe Nachman greatly praised the Akdamos – the special tefilah sung before the Torah reading on Shavuos. He described how both the melody and the words of this traditional prayer express love and devotion for HaShem. NOTE about the power of Rebbe Nachman’s voice. NOTE that in addition to a dairy meal on Shavuos morning, we also eat a two meat meals on Shavuos – one at night and one at midday.
41:00 – SICHAH 257. Rebbe Nachman said that he was able to know a man’s sins simply by looking at him. עֵינֵ֣י יְ֖הֹוָה אֶל־צַדִּיקִ֑ים וְ֜אָזְנָ֗יו אֶל־שַׁוְעָתָֽם – “The eyes of HaShem are to [in the possession of] the righteous, and His ears are to their cry” (Tehillim 34:16). Looking into the eyes of the Tzaddik strengthens the soul. Closing blessing to be bound to the Tzaddik Emes.

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