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Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear father Shalom ben Chaim Moshe ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 21st of Teves.

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R' Rosenfeld - Sichos HaRan/ שיחות הר"ן - רבי צבי אריה רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – Sichos HaRan 149 – Introduction to Sipurei Maasios – Seven Beggars – Part 1 – A Prince Mourns His Fall from Faith – Two Lost Children – Yearning for the Tzaddik

Sichos HaRan 149 – Introduction to Sipurei Maasios – Seven Beggars – Two Lost Children – Yearning for the Tzaddik – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Lesson RW33a. Recorded on 1977-09-05.)
00:00 – Introduction to the Sipurei Maasios and to the story of The Seven Beggars. “Even if you don’t understand the deeper meanings of the story, if you only hear the words on a simple level, you will understand it more fully in the Olam HaEmes – [Future] World of Truth.”
08:51 – The Seven Beggars. “I will tell you how people were once filled with joy.”
20:00 – A prince mourns his fall from faith.
21:52 – Two lost children cry for help.
23:30 – One after another, Seven Beggars appear. Each one provides the two lost children with food and a mysterious blessing.
29:30 – The two children find a path, reach a town, and decide to become beggars.
33:04 – A pit is dug out to serve as a wedding hall for the two lost children.
*34:40 – At times of joy, a person must remind themselves of kindnesses he has received. The children’s yearning demonstrates how yearning for the Tzaddik Emes enables him to create garments for any soul, no matter how lost.
37:10 – The First (Blind) Beggar reappears at the wedding of the two children and blesses them to “be like him.”

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