Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

R' Rosenfeld - Sipurey Maasios/ סיפורי מעשיות - ר' רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – The Seven Beggars – Power of the Fourth Beggar – Two Lost Birds (Clip)

In the last story of the Sipurei Masiyos – Rabbi Nachman’s “The Seven Beggars” – Day 4 – the Beggar With a Crooked Neck speaks about two lost birds that have been distanced from one another. The beggar describes his talent as a ventriloquist whereby he throws his voice to imitate the sound of each bird until the two are re-united. This alludes to the way HaShem used His “Voice” the first time He spoke to the prophet Shmuel.
Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
The entire shiur is here: NACH 09 – Shmuel (Samuel) 1 – Lesson 1

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