Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: November 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 013b – Shabbat 156 – Astrology Does Not Dictate Jewish Destiny – the Brilliance of Rabbi Meir – Why a Jewish Man Covers His Head – Prerequisites of the Sanhedrin

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Shabbat 156 -Astrology Does Not Dictate Jewish Destiny – the Brilliance of Rabbi Meir – Why a Jewish Man Covers His Head – Prerequisites of the Sanhedrin – Ain Mazal l’Yisrael – astrology does not dictate the fate/future of a Jew. “There is no horoscope for a Jew.” Prayer, charity and fear Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 013a – Shabbos – Page 152 – Aging – Death – Olam Haba – The Next World – Teshuvah – Repentance – Astrology

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 013a – Shabbos – Page 152 – Aging – Death – Olam Haba – The Next World – Teshuvah – Repentance – Astrology – Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. 00:00 – In old age, one’s senses become less acute. Talmidei Chachamim (Torah sages) remain alert in old age. 04:58 – Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 012b – Shabbos 149 – Why Does Poverty Exist? The Great Blessing of Compassion – Why Animals Fear People – 6 Types of Tears – Healthy Aging – Eating Well After the Age of 40

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov, Shabbos 149. Why Does Poverty Exist? The Great Blessing of Compassion – Why Animals Fear People – 6 Types of Tears – Healthy Aging – Eating Well After the Age of 40 – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. *00:00 – Anyone who asks for justice to be meted out is himself punished Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 012a – Clip 3 – Making a Mitzvah Beautiful – How and Why?

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 012a – Clip 3 – Making a Mitzvah Beautiful – How and Why? Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. זה אלי ואנוהו– Zeh Keli ve’Anvehu – “This is my HaShem and I shall beautify Him” (Shemos/Exodus 15:2) – by beautifying His mitzvos. The more care and resources invested in a mitzvah, Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 012a – Shabbos 127-147 – Judging Others Favorably – Why the Path to Marriage is Difficult – Chava and the Nachash – Rabbi Eliezer ben Arakh and the Waters of Perugaita

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 012a – Shabbos 127-147. Judging Others Favorably – Why the Path to Marriage is Difficult – Chava and the Nachash – Rabbi Eliezer ben Arakh and the Waters of Perugaita – Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. 00:00 – לדון לכף זכות – The mitzvah to judge every person favorably; two Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 011b – Shabbos 119 – Yissa’char and Zevulun – Shabbos Meals and Melaveh Malkah – Luz Bone – The Importance of Saying Amen to Kaddish and Brachos – Respect for Torah Scholars

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 011b – Shabbos 119 – Yissa’char and Zevulun – Shabbos Meals and Melaveh Malkah – Luz Bone – The Importance of Saying Amein to Kaddish and Brachos – Respect for Torah Scholars – Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. 00:00 – Being particular about a specific mitzvah indicates a tikkun – Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 011a – Shabbos 113 – Honoring Shabbos Through Clothing and Speech – 7 Books of the Torah – Two Shabbosim – Sayings of Rabbi Yossi

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 011a – Shabbos 113 – Honoring Shabbos Through Clothing and Speech – 7 Books of the Torah – Two Shabbosim – Sayings of Rabbi Yossi – Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. 00:00 – Honoring Shabbos with a special way of walking, special clothes, and special speech. 04:00 – Walking too Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 010ab – Matan Torah – Eldad and Meidad – Attaining Mastery Over the Angels – Secret of the Incense Given by the Angel of Death – HaShem’s Kindness Exceeds His Punishment

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov. Matan Torah (Giving of the Torah) – Eldad and Meidad – Attaining Mastery Over the Angels – Secret of the Incense Was Given to Moshe Rabbeinu by the Angel of Death – HaShem’s Kindness Exceeds His Punishment – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל. 00:00 – The significance of the number “three” with Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 009 – Shabbos – Page 127 – Words of Torah Create Angels – Gilgulim of Moshe Rabbeinu – Who Was Iyov? Speech on Shabbos

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 009 – Shabbos – Page 127 – Words of Torah Create Angels – Gilgulim (Reincarnations) of Moshe Rabbeinu – Who Was Iyov? Speech on Shabbos – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Recorded in apx. 1970.) 00:00 – Rebbe Nachman’s words of Torah benefit the souls of his talmidim – students. Continue Reading »

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 008 – Clip 1 – A Loan or Business Partnership As Tzedakah

Posted on November 24, 2016

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 008 – Clip 1 – A Loan or Business Partnership as Tzedakah – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Recorded in apx. 1970.) Sometimes a loan or business partnership can be very high level of tzedakah. The entire shiur is HERE.