00:00 – PARAGRAPH 25. Seeing the face of a tzaddik. How does it benefit a person, how is it done? 20:29 – PARAGRAPH 26. Haman, Amalek, Purim, what Esther HaMalka accomplished. The dynamic between good and evil. 37:03 – PARAGRAPH 27. Reading the megillah on Purim is a very great mitzvah.
Humility, eternity, charity, shekalim, tzedakah, midos
True vs. false humility, lottery on Purim.
True humility vs. false. Wearing tefillin based on Rashi and based on Rabeinu Tam.
Humility, eternity.
“And they had faith in Hashem and in Moshe, His servant — then Israel sang…” (Parshas Beshalach). Reb Noson of Nemirov z”l describes how this song was much more than praising Hashem for His miraculous rescue – it was an expression of the tremendous joy that results from emunah. The entire shiur is HERE.
Tefillin 6 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Tefillin 6 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 72. Humility, eternity, eating properly, chometz, matzah, Moshe Rabbeinu, Aharon HaKohen. 00:00 PARAGRAPH 12. *47:03 – What does it mean to “see” a tzaddik? “Believing is seeing.” 51:25 – The rescue of Am Yisrael from Mitzrayim – Egypt).
Humility, eternity, Aharon HaKohen, firstborn, Eretz Yisrael.