Commitment to the Torah on faith before understanding. Shekolim.
Chometz, matza, Pesach, Sefiras HaOmer, Shavuos, Jews in contrast to non-Jews.
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Pesach, Shavuos, chometz, Adam, tree of knowledge. Date of recording: 1997-11-25.
Tzaddikim are more refined and influential than angels. Doing mitzvos with simcha (joy). Parshas Shekolim.
The “insanity” of Dovid HaMelech (King David). Attaining joy, especially on Purim, sometimes means being a bit silly.
This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 1, Torah 24. 00:00 – (Lesson 187a). Purim and the centrality of simcha (joy). 17:55 – (Lesson 187b). The completion of prayer is its essence. Why we put our heads down during Tachanun. 29:54 – (Lesson 187c). Viduy (confession) after prayer. 45:28 – (Lesson 187d). Ketores (incense offering), Continue Reading »
The ברכות brochos (blessings) said on לחם (bread) and יין (wine) and the order of blessings on food based on the item’s חשיבות (importance).
Halakhos (Torah Laws) of brochos (blessings) on wine and lechem (bread) at a seudah (meal).