Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Rabbi Avraham Dov (Ba’R Dovid) of Avritch (1765-1840) is called the “Bas Ayin” after his most well-known work. He was a student of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev ז”ל before making aliya to Tzfas (Safed) in 1830. He discovered that seeing the light of Eretz Yisrael takes more than physical vision. His yahrzeit is the Continue Reading »
Why is the Holy Land of Israel called Eretz Tzvi (“Land of Deer”)? (In Gitin it’s called “Eretz Tzvi” while in Sefer Daniel 11 it’s called “Eretz HaTzvi“). Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z”l. Listen to the entire shiur about Tammuz and the events commemorated during the Three Weeks here: Rabbi Rosenfeld – Ein Yaakov Continue Reading »