Haazinu in light of the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. When a Tzaddik mentions our faults they can be transformed into good points, similar to choosing the right notes in a melody. Entire text: Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deah 2, Hilkhos Sefer Torah 2, Paragraph 10. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
When Hashem said “Let us make man…” (Bereishis/Genesis 1:26) He was speaking to the forces of creation that He had already brought into existence (cf. Targum Yonasan, Ramban). Why did some of the angels oppose the creation of man, and why did Hashem choose to ignore them? A fascinating account based on the teachings of Continue Reading »
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.