Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-15-Chanukah/ הלכות חנוכה

OC3 – Lesson 212 – Chanukah 6 – Para. 3-10

00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Ladder of Yaakov Aveinu. Sulam Yaakov. Parsha – VaYetze.
21:44 – PARAGRAPH 4. The twelve tribes and twelve nusachim (pathways of prayer).
23:53 – PARAGRAPH 5. Why eight lights on Chanukah?
28:47 – PARAGRAPH 6. Oil, moshiach (anointed one).
30:58 – PARAGRAPH 7. Anochi (I am) indicates Emes (truth).

43:22 – PARAGRAPH 8. Why is a king anointed with oil?
*47:44 – What is time? Malchus (lowest, most early sefira) is constriction, limitation, boundary.
51:24 – PARAGRAPH 10. Chanukah and emunah (Jewish faith).

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