Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear father Shalom ben Chaim Moshe ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 21st of Teves.

To make a dedication, click HERE.

LH1-04-Tefillin/ הלכות תפלין

OC1 – Lesson 068 – Tefillin 5 – Para. 25-26 – Shem Ekyeh

Hilkhos Tefillin 5 is based on Likutey Moharan 6 and Sipurey Masiyos, The Seven Beggars, Story of the First Day – The Blind Beggar.
00:00 Review of previous shiur, Halakha 5, Paragraphs 23-25.
02:48 – PARAGRAPH 26. (Beginning of Clip for Parshos Shemos and for Elul 01.) One of the names of Hashem is Alef – Hey – Yud – Hey – (Ekyeh) – “I will be.” This relates to the power of potential and free will, and gives us the ability for teshuvah – return to Hashem. Until a person returns to Hashem, they are not truly alive. Shabbos is the day of teshuvah for the entire week.
11:15 – (End of Clip for Parshos Shemos and for Elul 01). The tzaddik is an aspect of Ekyeh – he is in a constant state of spiritual progress.
Shem Adnus (the Name of Hashem Aleph – Daled – Noon – Yud) is an aspect of emunah (faith in Hashem).
In the phrase אהי-ה אשר אהי-ה – the word אשר has the same letters as ראש  – head – alluding to the Name of Hashem Yud – H – Vuv – Hey. Gematria for this phrase is 68 which equals חיים – life.
56:00 – Moshe Rabbeinu questioned Hashem about Rabbi Akiva’s torture and death. Why do the righteous suffer? Like flax that is beaten to improve its quality, Hashem chooses them to serve Him through the midas hadin.
“Crossing the Yabbok.”

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