Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 48:28 — 22.2MB)
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 8. (Lesson 062a). Erech Apayim – patience, forbearance, is essential to character refinement. Just as there is patience of tzaddikim, there’s an opposing force called patience of rashayim (evil).
09:04 – PARAGRAPH 9. (Lesson 062b). Rebbe Nachman used to say “Who knows what else there is to acquire [spiritually]?” The importance of being able to start new, again and again.
12:15 – Account of how Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z”l used to complete SHaS once a year.
15:22 – The sicker a person is, the better their doctor needs to be. (Likutey Moharan Torah 30.) The power of renewal originates in tzaddikim.
17:44 – (Lesson 062b). Tzaddikim are always pushing toward the next level.
26:52 – (Lesson 062c). Hashem and His Torah are infinite and eternal, there is no end to Hashem’s patience with us. The more mistakes we make, the more Hashem makes allowances for us to return to Him. However low we fall, there’s always a level below us from which Hashem can save us!
43:00 – Arichas Apayim – true patience and forbearance are only possible through connection to tzaddikim.
46:10 – PARAGRAPH 10. The knot of the tefillin shel rosh is an aspect of arichas apayim – patience.
47:10 – What did Moshe Rabeynu see in Eretz Yisrael that he wanted so much – making it his last request in life? Arichas apayim – the power of forbearance.
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