Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 46:57 — 21.5MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Based on Likutey Moharan 155 and Likutey Moharan 13.
00:00 – (Lesson 009a) Halakha 2 – zrizus (enthusiasm)
15:47 – (Lesson 009b) pidyon (charity, redemption money), harnessing the desire for money, chatzos (midnight prayer), sweetening harsh judgments through breaking sleep.
36:39 – (Lesson 009c)
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.