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NaCh - Prophets and Writings/ נביאים וכתובים - רבי צבי אריה רוזנפלד ז"ל

NACH 47 – Iyov – Lesson 3 – Hashem Responds to Iyov – Words Spoken In Pain Can Be Forgiven – The Purpose of This Story Is Emunah

Iyov – Hashem Responds to Iyov – Words Spoken In Pain Can Be Forgiven – The Purpose of this Story is Emunah – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל.
00:00 – Review of previous Shiur – overview of Iyov’s life and suffering.
02:55 – Iyov’s fourth friend, Elihu.
08:31 – Hashem Himself responds to Iyov.
11:34 – Hashem describes His ongoing creation and sustenance of every creature.
24:24 – Hashem’s punishment of Eliyahu HaNavi for failing to defend the Jews.
*28:57 – When a person is in pain, his mind is affected. Words spoken in pain can be forgiven, but only up to a point.
31:15 – In the latter part of Iyov’s life he was rewarded, living an addition 140 years beyond his age (70) when his suffering began.
36:05 – Pharaoh had three advisors: Bilaam, Yisro, and Iyov.
38:18 – The purpose of the story is Emunah. Closing blessing.

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