Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear father Shalom ben Chaim Moshe ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 21st of Teves.

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NaCh - Prophets and Writings/ נביאים וכתובים - רבי צבי אריה רוזנפלד ז"ל

NACH 34 – Melachim 2 – Lesson 04 – Miracles of Elisha HaNavi – Habakuk HaNavi and the Blessing of Techiyat HaMeytim – Rav Anan – Syrian General Na’aman

Melachim 2 – Miracles of Elisha HaNavi – Habakuk HaNavi – Techiyat HaMeytim – Rav Anan – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
03:55 – The blessing of techiyat hameytim (revival of the dead) in the shemoneh esrey is called birkhat gevurot.
05:55 – One of the 16 miracles done by Elisha HaNavi was to save yeshiva students from poisonous soup by adding flour to the pot.
*07:43 – Elisha HaNavi accepts the offering of Bikurim (First Fruits), even though this mitzvah is only done in the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temple). Through this we learn that a gift of food to a talmud chochom is equivalent to performing the mitzvah of Bikurim in the Beit HaMikdash. Miraculously, 22 loaves of bread provided enough to feed 2200 students.
13:31 – (Based on Ketubot 105b): Rav Anan refused to accept a gift that seemed to be a bribe וְשׂוֹנֵ֖א מַתָּנֹ֣ת יִחְיֶֽה – “He who hates gifts will live” (Mishlei 15:27). Although he disqualified himself from the case, he was still held responsible for the ensuing failure of justice.
23:10 – Tefilah (prayer) as a korbon (sacrifice). By learning about the different sacrifices, a person is credited with actually giving these sacrifices.
24:41 – Miracles of Elisha HaNavi – the second case of techiyat hameytim – introduction.
25:52 – The account of Elisha HaNavi and the Arami (Syrian) general Naaman, who was stricken with leprosy (Part 1) .

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