Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Likutey Moharan 1/ ליקוטי מוהר"ן

lm1-157 – Likutey Moharan 49 – Para. 5-11 – Wine for a Talmud Chocham – Chupah – Wedding Customs – Wealth

Likutey Moharan 49 – Wine for a Talmud ChachamChupah – Wedding Customs – Wealth. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Lesson 157. Recorded 1979-05-25.)
01:45 – PARAGRAPH 5. The song of the future is an aspect of the name Sarah, which signifies Malkhut (sovereignty). Sarah is also an aspect of Sukkah.
11:00 – PARAGRAPH 6. Teshuvah – repentance – is related to Shabbos. Tishrei and Nissan are two beginnings.
25:06 – PARAGRAPH 7. Tzitzis and Tekheles – sky-blue – are aspects of Malkhus – sovereignty – and a Kallah (bride). The mitigation of judgments is achieved when Binah – the Upper House and Malkhus – the Lower House – are joined together. This process corresponds to the Mincha offering and prayer, established by Yitzchak Avinu.
38:32 – PARAGRAPH 8. The Chatan – groom, Chuppah – wedding canopy – and how Am Yisrael is compared to a Chatan. Why the bride sends the groom a gift of a Talis – prayer shawl.
47:00 – The deeper significance of singing at a wedding.
*48:33 – PARAGRAPH 10-11. Why money is distributed at a wedding.

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