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Ein Yaakov/ עין יעקב - ר' רוזנפלד

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 019b – Pesachim – Page 113-119 – Life Advice – What Kind of Person Does Hashem Favor? Existing vs. Living – Use Money Wisely – Yosef Hid Three Treasures in Egypt

Ein Yaakov – Pesachim 113. Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל. Life Advice – What Kind of Person Does Hashem Favor? Existing vs. Living – Do Not Go Into Debt – Use Money Wisely – Yosef HaTzaddik Hid Three Treasures in Egypt.
00:00 – Life advice: the importance of a father marrying off his daughter as soon as possible. Do not leave town to earn extra money.
04:03– Rabbi Yochanan said: Three inherit Olam Haba: those who live in Eretz Israel, those who raise their children to learn Torah, and those who make Havdalah on wine. One who walks four steps in Eretz Yisrael becomes part of Gan Eden.
05:50 – Rabbi Yochanan taught: Hashem is proud of three kinds of people: an unmarried man who is doesn’t sin with women, a poor man who returns a lost item, and a rich man who gives his ma’aser – tithe – secretly.
09:39 – What kind of person does Hashem favor? Those who never lose their temper, those who don’t get drunk, and those who forgive easily. Three kinds of people disliked by Hashem: those who are insincere, those who refuse to testify when they can defend or support a friend, and those who speak Loshon Hara about a friend by becoming a solitary witness.
12:47 – תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן, שְׁלֹשָׁה חַיֵּיהֶן אֵינָם חַיִּים: הָרַחְמָנִין, וְהָרַתְחָנִין, וַאֲנִינֵי הַדַּעַת. Three kinds of people whose lives are not considered their own: those who are too kindhearted,  those who are temperamental, and those without peace of mind.
14:08 – Four kinds of people who are intolerable: a person who lacks wisdom but has conceit, a wealthy person who lies to make a small profit, an old man who sins with women, and a leader who is needlessly demanding on the community he leads.
17:05 – Those who are put in cherem – excommunication – by Heaven: a man who doesn’t try to get married, a man who doesn’t do whatever is in his power to have children, a man who doesn’t provide his children with a Torah education, a man who doesn’t put on tefillin or tzitzit, those who don’t put mezuzot on their doors, and those who go barefoot.
20:03 – It’s preferable to invest more in one’s home than in food. פְּחוֹת מִמֵּיכְלָךְ וּמִמִּשְׁתְּיָךְ, וְתוֹסֵיף עַל דֵּירְתָךְ
*23:02 – “It’s better to be in debt to oneself for a luxury than to go into debt in order to indulge in a luxury.” Stay out of debt.
23:32 – The difference between Mizmor l’Dovid and L’Dovid Mizmor. The Shekhina – Divine Presence – only rests on a person who wastes no words and who is happy. Rabbah would always begin a Torah shiur with a lighthearted comment. [Rav Nachman said one should always be joyful before going to sleep to insure having a good dream.] (Pesachim 117a).
25:50 – Hodu Lashem ki tov. Examples of Hashem goodness.
*27:05 – The challenge of parnassah – livelihood: Rabbi Yochanan said: קָשִׁין מְזוֹנוֹתָיו שֶׁל אָדָם יוֹתֵר מִן הַגְּאוּלָּה (Pesachim 118a). The word “oy”. Tehillim 20 has 70 words c’neged the 70 screams of a woman in childbirth.
29:23 – וֶאֱמֶת ה׳ לְעוֹלָם – “…and Hashem’s Truth endures forever” (Tehillim 117) was said by the malach Gavriel when we rescued Chananiah, Mishael, and Azariah from the fiery furnace.
31:55 – Lamenatzeach mizmor le’David. What is the meaning of “to the victor”? Hashem is happy to be defeated when a repentant person convinces Him to forgive.
34:34 – Yosef HaTzaddik hid three treasures in Mitzrayim. Korach’s wealth. (Pesachim 119a). Wealth can destroy its owner, so it’s important to use money wisely.

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