Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 37:11 — 21.3MB)
Ein Yaakov – Pesachim 75 – The Four Death Penalties – Baal HaBayit – Host and Guest – Repentance of Acher – Rav Huna and Laws of Hospitality – Hoshea HaNavi; Malaveh Malka – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (ey-018. )
00:00 – The four death penalties meted out by the Sanhedrin.
05:00 – Laws of hospitality: whatever the baal habayit – host – tells a guest to do, the guest must do – with one exception: if the guest is told to leave, he can refuse. Lessons in hospitality, respectful behavior of a guest, and the proper way to drink a full cup of wine are demonstrated through the behavior of Rav Huna.
*11:30 – The repentance of Acher and its lesson for every Jew: returning to Hashem is always possible.
17:55 – Several principles of hospitality are illustrated through an account of Rabbi Elazar Bar Shimon Bar Yochai zal.
19:50 – Hoshea HaNavi: the prophet’s response to HaShem‘s displeasure with Am Yisrael leads to a corrective process.
21:42 – The mitzvah to be fruitful and multiply.
24:06 – Prophets are usually not required to separate from their wives.
26:15 – In what way is the global dispersion of Am Yisrael an example of kindness from HaShem?
29:41 – Am Yisrael is like a defenseless sheep surrounded by seventy wolves. The sheep is protected by its all-powerful Shepherd – Hashem Yisborach.
30:22 – When a rodent fell into a pot of food in the palace of a king, advice from Rabban Gamliel saved a royal feast.
32:25 – Rabbi Akiva teaches that it’s forbidden to eat or drink anything before saying the blessing on wine for havdallah after Shabbat.
36:13 – Enjoying a meal after Shabbat – Malaveh Malka – brings a person the blessing of long life.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.