Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 37:54 — 21.7MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל. Topics: short life, eat and drink, feed your neshama, physical ailments, Torah as a cure, memory, forgetfulness, broken luchos, forgetting, Rabbi Eleazar ben Pedat, right order to learn Torah, pardes, learning the Torah four times, waking with Rabbi, Rabbi Predah, erev rav, teaching with patience, walking uphill, Ravina and Rav Ashi, Tating a law in front of one’s Rabbi, embarrassing one’s Rabbi, drinking wine, mistake by a tzaddik, Rabbi Eleazar ben Azaria, freeing from judgment, making a sale while drunk,
00:00 – The importance of gaining as much Torah and spiritual achievement as possible while in the physical world.
04:00 – The Torah is a cure for all types of sickness.
06:57 – “If you have a headache – study Torah”.
12:55 – Rabbi Eliezer beBedat left his coat in the marketplace because he was so intent on Torah study. When thieves came to steal the coat, they found a poisonous snake coiled around it.
14:01 – The procedure through which the Torah was taught by Moshe Rabbeinu when he returned from Sinai.
19:30 – Teaching a dull student four hundred times. The story of Rabbi Predah and his slow student, and the reward Rabbi Predah received for his patience.
22:11 – The Arizal asks why Moshe Rabbeinu taught the Erev Rav.
25:03 – Walking uphill ages a person, but every four steps in Eretz Yisrael is an aspect of Gan Eden.
26:39 – Ravina and Rav Ashi – closing of the gemara.
28:38 – If a student states a Torah law in front of his rabbi he is chayav misah – incurs a death penalty.
30:14 – Rabbi Eliezer HaGadol.
32:08 – It is forbidden to say that one part of the Torah is more beautiful than another. A Judge is disqualified if he drinks a quart of wine. A tzaddik’s mistake doesn’t disqualify him, because he does teshuvah for it.
34:20 – Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria said he can argue the innocence of Bnei Yisrael concerning lack of kavana in tefilah.
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