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Ein Yaakov/ עין יעקב - ר' רוזנפלד

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 013a – Shabbos – Page 152 – Aging – Death – Olam Haba – The Next World – Teshuvah – Repentance – Astrology

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 013a – Shabbos – Page 152 – Aging – Death – Olam Haba – The Next World – Teshuvah – Repentance – Astrology – Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – In old age, one’s senses become less acute. Talmidei Chachamim (Torah sages) remain alert in old age.
04:58 – Every Tzaddik receives a deserving place in Gan Eden.
06:13 – After death, the sense of hearing and feeling remain for a while. The Nefesh – lower soul – remains in the body for seven days.
07:32 – How to summon the soul of a dead relative or friend at the cemetery.
09:03 – It hurts a dead person to hear undeserved words of praise.
09:44 – A person should be careful to keep his soul pure during his lifetime. Gehinnom (suffering pangs of regret and shame in the next world) purifies the soul with fire.
13:05 – Rav Mari says: Tzaddikim return to dust after death. However, a story of Rabbi Achai illustrates otherwise with regard to the bodies of tzaddikim. Just before techiyas hameisim (resurrection of the dead) all bodies will first return to dust.
17:25 – How did an impure magician have the power to summon the soul of Shmuel HaNavi whose soul was at the Throne of HaShem?
21:30 – When can a person be assured of Olam Haba? If his Rabbi has nachas (spiritual satisfaction) from him, Heaven is satisfied with him as well.
24:35 – “Repent the day before you die” in order to enter Olam Haba in purity. It’s never too late to return to HaShem. Preparing for the day of judgment by having “clean clothes”: a pure soul.
*31:20 – Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: Why are people born with certain specific talents and mazal? The mazal/characteristic of each day of the week. The hour of birth also determines one’s mazal.
37:45 – The story of Rabbi Raba and Rabbi Zera on Purim.
*41:00 – Astrology – a Jew can rise above the influence of the stars through tefilah (prayer), tzedakah (charity, and teshuvah (repentance).

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