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Ein Yaakov – Lesson 011b – Shabbos 119 – Yissa’char and Zevulun – Shabbos Meals and Melaveh Malkah – Luz Bone – The Importance of Saying Amein to Kaddish and Brachos – Respect for Torah Scholars – Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Being particular about a specific mitzvah indicates a tikkun – rectification – was needed in one’s life or in a previous lifetime.
1:20 – New shiur: Rabbi Yossi said: “May it be my lot to cause students to sit in the beis midrash rather than cause them to stand up and leave”. Alternative explanation: “May it be my lot to support Torah scholars,” referring to the partnership between Yissa’char and Zevulun.
6:30 – Kedushas haShabbos – holiness of the Sabbath: The prayer “VaYechulu HaShamayim VeHaAretz” – the heavens and the earth were completed by HaShem – is said three times on Friday night. These words express faith that the world was created by HaShem at the time revealed by the Torah, and not before. Then, when one says the word “la’asot” – in order to complete – one becomes a partner with HaShem in the ongoing process of creation.
11:00 – Two angels accompany a man back to his home after Friday night prayers in the synagogue.
14:00 – Whenever a person does a mitzvah he creates for himself a protecting angel.
16:15 – The three Shabbos meals and the Melaveh Malkah meal after Shabbos nourish the luz bone which is an aspect of techiyas hameysim – resurrection of the dead.
20:30 – It’s customary to light a candle on Motzei Shabbos without a bracha – blessing. The special benefits of Melaveh Malkah – the meal after Shabbos.
*23:45 – Responding to Kaddish “Amen. Ye’hey sh’mey raba” nullifies negative decrees. The reward for saying “amein” and the punishment for neglecting to do so.
30:10 – HaShem is more particular about protecting the honor of His Shabbos Queen than He is with any other mitzvah. Why do fires occur in a home?
32:50 – Jerusalem was destroyed because respect was not shown to talmidei chakhamim – Torah scholars. The importance of respecting talmidei chakhamim and the punishment for disrespect.
40:00 – It’s prohibited to extinguish a fire on Shabbos.
42:00 – When a person is careful to uphold a particular Shabbos mitzvah, HaShem Himself protects that person from harm.
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