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Ein Yaakov – Lesson 011a – Shabbos 113 – Honoring Shabbos Through Clothing and Speech – 7 Books of the Torah – Two Shabbosim – Sayings of Rabbi Yossi – Speaker: Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Honoring Shabbos with a special way of walking, special clothes, and special speech.
04:00 – Walking too quickly on Shabbos is forbidden and is harmful to the eyes. This can be repaired on Friday night by looking at the Shabbos lights before and/or during the recital of the first part of Kiddush. Running to shul synagogue – quickly or to learn Torah is permissible and not harmful.
06:35 – Eating produce grown in Bavel – Babylon.
09:35 – On Shabbos it’s forbidden to save things from a fire, including papers on which HaShem’s Name is written. Therefore, one should not write HaShem’s Name on paper. A story is told to illustrate.
13:30 – The meaning of the two inverted letters “Noon” in Sefer Bamidbar, BeHaAlotekha.
16:25 – Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi: There are seven books of the Torah.
19:10 – A Sefer Torah written by a heretic should be burned.
22:30 – The story of Rabbi Gamliel and his sister. The importance of avoiding philosophy and philosophers.
*27:15 – It’s an obligation to eat three meals on Shabbos. The extra seudah – meal – of Rabbi Chizkiyah. All foods eaten on Shabbos contribute to kedushah – holiness.
31:25 – A person who eats three meals on Shabbos is assured protection from the suffering that accompanies the arrival of Moshiach. He will also be spared from Gehinnom and from harm during the war of Gog and Magog prior to the arrival of Moshiach.
33:20 – Observing the laws of Shabbos brings a person special protection. The tradition that if Am Yisrael observes Shabbos twice in a row, Moshiach will be revealed.
36:15 – Sayings of RabbiYossi about the three Shabbos meals. Shacharis – morning prayers – at sunrise, mincha – afternoon prayers – just before sunset. Most tzaddikim die as a result of intestinal illness. Rabbi Yossi also said: “May it be my lot to begin Shabbos in Tiveria and end it in Tzipori, and may I be among those who collect tzedakah – charity but not among those who [must decide how to] distribute it.”
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