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Ein Yaakov – Lesson 009 – Shabbos – Page 127 – Words of Torah Create Angels – Gilgulim (Reincarnations) of Moshe Rabbeinu – Who Was Iyov? Speech on Shabbos – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Recorded in apx. 1970.)
00:00 – Rebbe Nachman’s words of Torah benefit the souls of his talmidim – students.
<strong*>01:30 – Every word of Torah creates a malach (angel) who benefits the speaker in this world and the next.
03:10 – Different levels of Torah in which we engage create different kinds of malachim.
04:45 – On Motzei Shabbos – hours following the close of Shabbos – there is a strong aura of kedushah – holiness.
05:40 – A person’s obligation in performing mitzvos during his many gilgulim.
07:20 – Yochanan Kohen Gadol who was given the opportunity to repair his soul through his reincarnation as Elazar ben Durdaya.
11:00 – Elazar ben Durdaya: the power of tears and Teshuvah.
12:48 – The three gilgulim of Moshe Rabbeinu.
15:25 – A comparison of Adam HaRishon, Noach HaTzaddik, and Avraham Avinu. Why Avraham Avinu is considered the greatest of the three, and even greater than malachim – angels.
21:50 – Why Moshe Rabbeinu is considered the greatest of all Tzaddikim – righteous men.
*22:25 – The unique holiness of a bechor – firstborn child.
24:55 – Hevel (Abel): Moshe Rabbeinu’s first gilgul.
26:32 – Cain’s jealousy of Hevel and his tikkun through Yisro and the Mitzri – Egyptian.
30:45 – Origin in the Torah of the concept of gilgul.
*32:00 – Women do not have to return to this world through gilgul. Exceptions explained.
32:15 – Moshe Rabbeinu’s separation from his wife Tzipora.
36:00 – The three things Moshe Rabbeinu did of his own bechira – free will without being told by HaShem.
40:40 – Who was the “maidservant” who saw more than Yechezkel the prophet at the time of the splitting of the Red Sea?
42:20 – The life of Iyov (Job) and his role in the splitting of the Red Sea.
46:10 – Moshe Rabbeinu’s life between the ages of 40 and 80 years, including his stay in Eretz Kush.
47:30 – The meaning of the word קושי. Moshe Rabbeinu’s “other” wife is an aspect of his previous gilgul as Hevel.
52:50 – Bringing at least two children into the world fulfills the mitzvah of “be fruitful and multiply” according to Bais Shammai.
53:15 – Sometimes great rabbis remain childless, for example Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Chezkiyah.
*55:05 – Observing the mitzvos of Shabbos compensates for being childless.
57:00 – The importance of beginning Shabbos on time through candle-lighting and not being in a hurry to ending Shabbos through havdalah after Shabbos.
*59:50 – Speech on Shabbos is different than speech during the weekdays. Maintaining a higher consciousness on Shabbos; not thinking about or mentioning work that is not permitted on Shabbos.
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