Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear father Shalom ben Chaim Moshe ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 21st of Teves.

To make a dedication, click HERE.

Ein Yaakov/ עין יעקב - ר' רוזנפלד

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 008 – Shabbos – Why Do People Die? Why Do Strange Creatures Exist? Moshe Rabbeinu – Reincarnation of Hevel

Ein Yaakov – Maseches Shabbos – Why Do People Die? The Existence of Strange Creatures – Free Will of Moshe Rabbeinu – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Why do people die?
02:33 – Tzaddikim who didn’t commit any sin but nevertheless died.
03:07 – 6 people who died only because of Adam’s sin and not through any sin of their own. Angels ask HaShem why Adam received the punishment of death.
06:00 – Adam’s teshuvah for 130 years and why it wasn’t sufficient.
09:56 – Comparison between the mistakes of Shaul HaMelech and Dovid HaMelech.
12:51 – At this point in history, Amalek will can only be wiped out by HaShem Himself.
16:20 – Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon HaKohen never sinned.
16:30 – Right and left side in the Torah: long life, wealth and honor.
18:35 – Rabbi Abba and Rabbi Yossi ben Pazi, a story about the study of Torah lishma – for its own sake – vs. the study of Torah lo lishma – for personal gain.
21:04 – Story about Rabbi Yossi ben Pazi and the Yanuka.
*26:00 – Sometimes a loan or business partnership can be very high level of tzedakah.
29:37 – Reasons for the the existence of various strange creatures.
32:08 – Large creatures afraid of tiny ones: examples and explanation.
35:10 – Secrets of the Gemara are hidden inside strange questions and answers. For example: when flocks travel together, why do the goats go in advance of the sheep?
37:20 – Why is the tail of a camel short, while the tail of an ox is long?
38:08 – What is the purpose of insects?
38:56 – The Torah is a conduit of HaShem’s life-giving energy, not food. Lessons learned from the fish, serpent, and pig – all three become stronger as they age.
41:39 – Beginning of a new shiur (lecture).
41:20 – Three things Moshe Rabbeinu did through his own free will and HaShem consented afterwards.
43:00 – What was the free will of Moshe Rabbeinu?
50:43 – Why did Aharon and Miriam question the behavior of their brother, Moshe Rabbeinu? The outstanding quality of Tzipporah.
51:39 – Hevel had two wives. Yisro was a gilgul of Cain. Moshe Rabbeinu was a gilgul of Hevel.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.