Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 52:54 — 24.2MB)
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 10. The main purpose of working the field is to create order out of disorder. How this relates to the relationship between the owner of a field and the one renting it in a sharecropping situation.
11:23 – PARAGRAPH 12. Related to Parshas Vayelech: why Bilaam’s curse was turned into a blessing.
*17:23 – Moshe Rabbeinu finds merit in Am Yisrael especially during the 40 days from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Yom Kippur (his third ascent of Har Sinai).
44:18 – PARAGRAPH 13. Bilaam rising early in the morning to curse the Jews vs. Avraham Avinu rising early to offer his son Yitzchak to Hashem.
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