Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH8-12-Chakirus veKablanus

CM2 – Lesson 131b – Chakirus veKablanus 2 – Para. 3-5 – Laws of Agriculture, Seder vs. Lo C’Seder, Bread, Ten Words in HaMotzei

00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Upper and lower unite when rain falls to earth, watering the crops in the field.
12:15 – PARAGRAPH 4. Man’s main work is laboring in the field because Adam failed to understand his purpose on earth.
17:45 – PARAGRAPH 5. Why springtime is called “Aviv“.
24:16 – The ten words in the blessing “Hamotzei” (said before eating bread) are parallel the ten mitzvos necessary in the process of making bread.
25:45 – Based on the Zohar HaKodesh, we accentuate the letter “hey” when saying the blessing on bread.

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