Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 47:19 — 21.7MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 32. Brachos of Shemonei Esrei – Tikunim of Emunah and Tikkun HaMishpat.
14:59 – In the blessing that includes “And for Yerushalayim…” we ask Hashem to restore the physical and spiritual aspects of Jerusalem, including Moshiach.
24:26 – PARAGRAPH 33. The blessings of “Retzei” and “Modim“.
*42:00 – Hashkiveinu – asking Hashem for aitza tova – good counsel/guidance/advice. [This tefilah includes asking Hashem for help in finding the right rabbi.] In the phrase immediately following, “vehoshieynu meheyra lema’an Shimecha” (and rescue us quickly for the sake of Your Name), the initial letters spell “shalom” – peace.
43:42 – Curing serious illness requires Tikkun HaEmunah and Tikkun HaMishpat.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.