Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 1:01:40 — 84.7MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
02:05 – PARAGRAPH 1. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 6. Teshuvah and the three parts of the letter Aleph: upper point, lower point, connecting Vuv.
04:46 – PARAGRAPH 2. When courts decides a case with fairness and truth, the disputed property is returned to its proper place. Teshuvah (repentance) is also accomplished through mishpat tzedek.
13:06 – Establishing true justice establishes peace.
17:47 – PARAGRAPH 3.
24:18 – The malach Mem Tess. Mentioning the full name of any angel may bring harm unless the name spoken is in common use as a name of a person.
00:00 – The Mesifta Ila’ah is the highest level yeshiva in Gan Eden. Beneath that is the Mesifta deRekiah, which is the yeshiva of the malach Mem Tess.
28:55 – Account of the four who entered Pardes – Gan Eden.
33:27 – “Today is 21 days in the Omer.” The high points of sefiras ha’Omer: L’AG B’Omer and the 25th (central) day, Netzach shebe Netzach.
37:02 – Israel had to be in Egypt and in all exiles to repair the sin of Adam HaRishon and the Etz HaDaas.
47:28 – Note about Yehoshua Bin Nun.
49:20 – PARAGRAPH 4. When a representative is appointed by a litigant, it’s more difficult for the judges of the case to establish true justice.
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