Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


CAL-09 – Kislev – Chanukah Breaks the Power of Illusion

Shiur presented at the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, 5th of Kislev, 5778 (23 Nov. 2017). Text: Likutey Moharan 1, Torah 25, Introduction and Para. 1-5. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. – LM1 – Torah 025 – Para. 1-5 – Medameh (Imagination), Yetzer Hara, Advancing from Level to Level in Serving Hashem.
Making spiritual progress means seeing through illusions and knowing how to handle setbacks. Chanukah is a time when illusions can best be dispelled. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Introduction and PARAGRAPH 1. Who were the “Wise Men of Athens?” What is true wisdom? How can we harness the power of imagination?
02:54 – PARAGRAPH 2. Moving from level to level in serving Hashem. Purifying each new spiritual territory we acquire.
23:55 – PARAGRAPH 3. No two people are alike in their spiritual progress.
24:21 – PARAGRAPH 4. The magnetic radiance of gold and silver, the golden calf.
32:14 – PARAGRAPH 5.Tzedakah (charity).

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