Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 1:16:36 — 70.1MB)
Chanukah Kumzitz 5779. “Bringing the Light of Chanukah Into Our Lives” – Speakers: Rabbi Nasan Maimon and Rabbi Leibish Hundert. Guitar and vocals: Reb Menachem Herman. Saxophone: Rabbi Leibish Hundert. Recorded 2018-12-06 in Jerusalem.
00:00 – Music: Mitzvah Gedolah, Al HaNissim.
08:00 – Opening remarks, Rabbi Nasan Maimon. בְּבֵ֥ית אֱ֜לֹהִ֗ים נְהַלֵּ֥ךְ בְּרָֽגֶשׁ – “…in the House of Hashem we would walk with deep feelings of awe…” (Tehillim 55:15). רגש – Roshei teyvos ruach (wind), geshem (rain), sheleg (snow).
10:45 – Meaning of the word חנוכה – Chanukah. Likutey Moharan 25, Likutey Halakhos, Hilkhos Chanukah 1.
16:46 – The two major principles of Chanukah are: the struggle against spiritually destructive influences and the increase of light.
20:47 – The meaning of Al HaNissim.
23:00 – Music: Keyli Ata, LeHagid BaBoker.
28:28 – Music: Ivdu es Hashem b’Simcha. Dancing.
33:00 – Rabbi Maimon speaks of his first visit to Eretz Yisrael with Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל. Fire vs. Water in serving Hashem.
45:00 – Music.
49:51 – Rabbi Leibish Hundert speaks.
57:40 – Music: Hodu LaShem KiTov.
61:30 – Closing Dvar Torah by Rabbi Nasan Maimon: The light of emunah – faith in Hashem.
74:00 – Music. Yisrael Betach baShem, Shir HaMaaolos.
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