Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

02-Iyar/ אייר

Iyar – LaG b’Omer – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Breslov Teachings

Iyar – LaG b’Omer – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai ז”ל in Breslov Teachings – Speaker: R’ Nasan Maimon, Shaarei Chesed Breslov Shul, Jerusalem, 2018-04-30.
00:00 – Sefer Taamei Minhagim has many pages about the customs of LaG B’Omer. R’ Nachman (148) b. Simcha (353) is, begematria, exactly R’ Shimon (466) b. Yochai (35), showing there is a deep connection between these two tzaddikim.
05:07 – Sichos HaRan 108-109 – Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai שמעון בר יוחאי in the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. The style of language of the RaSHBI is inspiring, in itself.
07:06 – According to the Zohar HaKodesh, Shnayim mikra (studying the weekly Torah portion twice with translation) is optimally done on Friday mornings after Shacharis.
07:49 – In Sichos HaRan 278, Rebbe Nachman explains that Targum (translation into Aramaic) is a bridge that allows all other languages to have a connection to Loshon HaKodesh (Hebrew, literally “the Holy Language”).
09:45 – After his passing, the soul of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi used to attend Kiddush on Shabbos until it became known.
10:35 – “Woe is to the generation” – the students of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The tzaddik is compared to Shabbos.
11:42 – “Veshamru” is said at the beginning of Shabbos – by expressing our sadness about the departure of Shabbos (and the Tzaddik) we increase our appreciation for Shabbos (and the Tzaddik).
15:40 – The honor shown to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai ז”ל by his students.
16:09 – Honoring one’s Torah teacher facilitates a greater abundance and higher level of Torah.
16:28 – The haskala movement (assimilation away from Torah observance) began in Germany. During Rebbe Nachman’s time, the Zohar Hakodesh was not being studied there.
18:32 – Spiritual genetics: why some people are more attracted to mystical teachings than other people are.
22:08 – The Chida: Tehillim/Psalms 32:9 – “Do not be like a horse or mule, uncomprehending….” אל-תחיו כסוס כפרד אין הבין
25:36 – “Ain bein Shabbos l’Yom Tov eleh achila” – it’s more important to have guests on Yom Tov than on Shabbos.
29:59 – Why do we not know where Moshe Rabeynu is buried? Why visit the holy gravesites of tzaddikim? The soul of the tzaddik comes back to the earth in response to the people who visit his gravesite. This yerida (descent) enables the tzaddik to reach higher levels (aliya/ascent) in the World of Truth.

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