Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

To make a dedication, click HERE.

LH7-06-Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim/ הלכות גביות חוב מהיתומים

2024-12-19 – LH7 – CM1 – Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim 3 – Para. 15-16 – Parshas Vayelech – Ayeh Makom Kevodo – Collecting Debt from Orphans – Teshuvah – Exile Reveals HaShem Worldwide – Hidden Statement of Creation

Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim 3 – Parshas Vayelech – Ayeh Makom Kevodo – Collecting Debt from Orphans – Teshuvah – Exile Reveals HaShem Worldwide – Hidden Statement of Creation – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 12 – “Ayeh HaSeh”.
00:00 – Dedications and brief review.
03:00 – PARAGRAPH 15.
04:00 – The four exiles – curing the present exile, Edom, HaShem is more hidden than ever before, so more than ever we need to ask “ayeh makom kevodo?”
05:30 – Parshas Vayelech. וְאָֽנֹכִ֗י הַסְתֵּ֨ר אַסְתִּ֤יר פָּנַי֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֔וּא – “And I will hide My face on that day…” (Devarim 31:18, Vayelech).
08:00 – The word ayeh represents the highest, most hidden level of HaShem.
10:30 – שֹׁמֵר֙ מַה־מִּלַּ֔יְלָה שֹׁמֵ֖ר מַה־מִּלֵּֽיל – “…’Watchman, what will be of the night? Watchman, what will be of the night?'” (Yeshaya 21, 11-12).
12:00 – Searching for HaShem is the most important element in teshuvah.
15:00 – NOTE: Am Yisrael are called Am HaGolah. After the geulah, secular meeting places, such as sports stadium, being used to serve HaShem. As a result of Am Yisrael’s wandering during exile, HaShem becomes revealed worldwide.
20:20 – PARAGRAPH 16. Collecting debt from orphans requires shvuah – taking an oath in Beis Din.
23:00 – The most hidden level of HaShem is the most protected. That’s how the Presence of HaShem exists even in places of Avoda Zara.
***25:20 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal about the mesiras nefesh of Israeli soldiers. His prayer at the Kosel, following that experience, was a request for HaShem to show us His sweetness rather than his punishment.
27:40 – Every Jew can create a new mitzvah through neder and shvuah – vows and oaths. נדר is Noon Dor – Binah. Neder and shvuah are aspects of the highest level – maamar peleh – so from that place, new mitzvahs can be created. If a Jew says, “I will never drink orange juice” – he creates an issur for himself.
*31:00 – Q&R about one’s statement of intention obligating him in a new, personal mitzvas aseh.
35:00 – Land and real estate are the revealed honor of HaShem. Matalelin – moveable objects – are the the hidden honor of HaShem.
37:30 – Sheker draws from מאמר סתום – the Hidden Statement of Creation.
38:50 – Q&R about calling out to HaShem “ayeh makom kevodo” during difficult times. Reference to Likutey Moharan 33.
*45:30 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal warning a person not to overreaching his spiritual capacity.
50:00 – Q&R about the effects of calling out “ayeh makom kevodo”.
51:10 – Closing blessings.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.