Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim 3 – Parshas Bereishis – Rising From a Spiritual Fall – Ayeh Makom Kevodo – Yerida Takhlis HaAliya – Maamar Sasum – Hidden Statement of Creation – Avraham Avinu – Akeidas Yitzchak – Ayeh HaSeh – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:30 – PARAGRAPH 1. Hilkhos Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 12 – “Ayeh HaSeh”.
06:30 – מאמר סתום – Maamar Sasum – The Hidden Statement of Creation includes all the other statements of creation.
11:30 – Parshas Bereishis. The kovod (honor/will) of HaShem is revealed through the Ten Statements of Creation.
13:00 – וּכְבוֹדִי֙ לְאַחֵ֣ר לֹֽא־אֶתֵּ֔ן – “… and My glory I will not give to another…” (Yeshayahu 42:8).
*16:00 – Avraham Avinu – Akeidas Yitzchak.
21:10 – PARAGRAPH 2. The concept of orphans not being liable for their father’s loans relates to the concept of rising from a spiritual fall. Ayeh Makom Kevodo.
24:20 – The essence of life is spiritual advancement. Reference to Likutey Moharan 22.
*25:20 – Yerida Tachlis HaAliya. During the process of spiritual advancement, it’s necessary to go through times of darkness. At those times, a person needs to search for HaShem by crying out “Ayeh makom kevodo.”
26:30 – The word Ayeh represents the combination of Keser – Chakhmah – Binah – the highest light of HaShem.
***27:45 – The process of spiritual advancement renews the soul.
33:00 – Q&R about yerida before aliya. “HaShem likes variety” – even in His selection of tests for a person. These tests are opportunities for coming closer to HaShem and atone for sins.
36:00 – Q&R about yerida takhlis haaliya.
37:00 – PARAGRAPH 3.
*39:30 – Before doing something, it’s good to ask oneself, “Is this to honor HaShem?” Everything we say and do should be for Kovod HaShem.
***41:45 – There are times when taking a break from Torah insures the continuity of Torah. (Menachos 99).
45:00 – Q&R – How can a person access light when it’s hidden?
51:45 – Closing blessings.
55:26 – Q&R – In the phrase Ayeh Makom Kevodo, we’re addressing Hashem in the third person – “His” kovod. Who are we asking? Response: using third person alludes to the fact that we are addressing the most hidden aspects of HaShem.
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