Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Halvaah 3 – Written Contract for a Loan – Borrower and Lender in Beis Din – Beshalach – Seal of Hands – Seal of Feet – Machtzis HaShekel Repairs Lack of Azus deKedushah – Kol – Sound of Coins for Tzedakah – Maaser – Hashiveynu – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Halvaah 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 22.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Written contract for a loan. Borrower and lender in Beis Din.
07:00 – PARAGRAPH 6. עֵד֖וּת יְהֹוָ֥ה נֶֽ֜אֱמָנָ֗ה מַחְכִּ֥ימַת פֶּֽתִי – “…the testimony of HaShem is faithful, making the simple one wise” (Tehillim 19:8).
11:22 – PARAGRAPH 7.
13:00 – וַיְהִ֥י יָדָ֛יו אֱמוּנָ֖ה – “…and his hands were faith…” (Shemos 17:12, Beshalach).
14:50 – Two seals: one of the hands and one of the fee. When litigants testify in a Beis Din, they must be standing, as in וְעָֽמְד֧וּ שְׁנֵי־הָֽאֲנָשִׁ֛ים – “Then the two men between whom the controversy exists …” (Devarim 19:17, Shoftim). Standing is the seal of the feet.
16:00 – The seal of the hands is emunah, as in This seal includes both the seal of the hands and the seal of the feet. The written signature of the two witnesses includes both seals.
*19:00 – PARAGRAPH 8. The mitzvah of machtzis hashekel is one of the 3 mitzvos that HaShem had to actually demonstrate to Moshe Rabbeinu. The other 2 mitzvos were: the appearance of how the moon looks at the time of kiddush hachodesh and the appearance of the menorah.
*22:00 – וְ֜עָשִׁ֗יר יַעֲנֶ֥ה עַזּֽוֹת – “…and a rich man replies with impudence” (Mishlei 18:23). ה֣וֹן עָ֖שִׁיר קִרְיַ֣ת עֻזּ֑וֹ – “The wealth of a person is his strength” (Mishlei 18:11). Machtzis HaShekel repairs lack of Azus deKedushah.
29:20 – Donating money to the Mishkan repairs misuse of money, which is an aspect of negative azus. Tzedakah is a form of holy azus.
31:00 – All types of sound are a form of azus – kol. The sound of the coins in a pushkeh is a form of azus dekedusha.
33:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 23.
*34:00 – וְ֜עָשִׁ֗יר יַעֲנֶ֥ה עַזּֽוֹת – “…and a rich man replies with impudence” (Mishlei 18:23). Giving maaser strengthens a person to stand up against persecution. “Giving maaser is one of the most powerful ways to repair and strengthen a person’s emunah.”
36:24 – Why the yearly mandatory contribution to the Mishkan is called Machtzis haShekel. The word mishkal means “scales” – a person has to weigh their actions carefully so they don’t fall into the wrong type of azus. “This money is a divine gift”
38:20 – NOTE heard from Rabbi Rosenfeld zal – the gematria of nefesh equals that of shekel.
39:20 – A baal teshuvah encounters many obstacles.
***40:00 – Sometimes even “religious” Jews will try to discourage baalei teshuvah from coming close to the derech that will help him the most.
50:00 – The importance of begging HaShem for help in returning to Him, as in the blessing “hashiveynu” of the Shemoneh Esrei.
52:30 – Closing blessings.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.