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2024-09-24 – LH7 – CM1 – Dayanim 4 – Para. 9-13 – Beis Din – Before Judgement Both Litigants Are Considered Wrong – Rav’s Declaration Before Serving as a Dayan – Emes laAmito – Rav Avrohom Sternhartz zal – Power of a Story Told by a Tzaddik

Dayanim 4 – Beis Din – Before Judgement Both Litigants Are Considered Wrong – Rav’s Declaration Before Serving as a Dayan – Emes laAmito – Rav Avrohom Sternhartz zal – Power of a Story Told by a Tzaddik – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Dayanim 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 9.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 9. Before judgement, both litigants are considered to be in the wrong.
04:00 – וְצַדִּ֖יק בֶּֽאֱמוּנָת֥וֹ יִחְיֶֽה – “…and the righteous shall live by his faith” (Chavakuk 2:4).
07:00 – Both litigants in a Beis Din are considered righteous as soon as they accept the judgement of the dayanim.
15:15 – PARAGRAPH 10. When a dayan enters the court, he should approach each case as if the Gates of Gehinnam are open before him and that he will fall in if he misjudges. Through Din Torah the litigants repair their connection with the Torah.
20:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. Rav’s declaration before acting as a dayan on a Beis Din: “Of my own free will, I’m going out to be killed…” (Sanhedrin 7).
21:40 – סָבִיב רְשָׁעִ֥ים יִתְהַלָּכ֑וּן – “Wicked men walk on all sides …” (Tehillim 12:9).
23:45 – All physical items are incomplete unless they are attached to the Torah.
26:20 – Q&R – The concepts presented here do not apply to a secular court.
27:00 – PARAGRAPH 12. “Any judge who pronounces a true judgement draws the Presence of HaShem to Am Yisrael” (Sanhedrin 7).
29:00 – אמת לאמתו – Emes laAmito – refers to the higher level of truth which is connected with the Torah.
***34:40 – NOTE about Rav Avrohom Sternhartz zal, whose yahrzeit was yesterday on the 20th of Elul: When people came to consult with him about a problem, he would elevate them to a higher perception of HaShem. This is the goal of every dayan serving on every Beis Din.
*38:20 – Q&R about how the Beis Din elevates the consciousness of the litigants. Much of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings were responses to the challenges encountered by students. Tzaddikim can give advice that will repair a person’s life simply through telling a story.
41:30 – Story of the Baal Shem Tov HaKadosh finding a man’s lost cattle by looking into a sefer kodesh.
43:00 – PARAGRAPH 13. Why Beis Din convenes on Mondays and Thursdays. The four worlds correspond to the four letters of HaShem’s Name Y – K – V – K. The letter Vuv refers to Olam HaYetzira – the realm of the Torah. The final Hey refers to Olam HaAsiya – the physical world. Reference to Likutey Moharan 240.
47:00 – Q&R – the Torah guides the everyday actions of both men and women.

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