Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-09-23 – LH7 – CM1 – Dayanim 4 – Para. 3-8 – Beis Din – 3 Judges Correspond to Thought, Word, Deed – Yisro – Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh – Bereishis – Olam HaTikkun

Dayanim 3 – Dayanim 4 – Beis Din – 3 Judges Correspond to Thought, Word, Deed – Yisro – Kadosh, Kadosh, KadoshBereishis – Olam HaTikkun – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Dayanim 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 9.
8:07 am – PARAGRAPH 3. עַל־כָּל־דְּבַר־פֶּ֡שַׁע עַל־שׁ֡וֹר עַל־חֲמ֩וֹר֩ עַל־שֶׂ֨ה עַל־שַׂלְמָ֜ה עַל־כָּל־אֲבֵדָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר יֹאמַר֙ כִּי־ה֣וּא זֶ֔ה עַ֚ד הָֽאֱלֹהִ֔ים יָבֹ֖א דְּבַר־שְׁנֵיהֶ֑ם – “For any sinful word, for a bull, for a donkey, for a lamb, for a garment, for any lost article, concerning which he will say that this is it, the plea[s] of both parties shall come to the judges…” (Shemos 22:8, Mishpatim).
8:00 am – PARAGRAPH 4. Beis Din – 3 judges Correspond to thought, word, deed.
8:24 am – PARAGRAPH 5. קָד֧וֹשׁ | קָד֛וֹשׁ קָד֖וֹשׁ יְהֹוָ֣ה צְבָא֑וֹת מְלֹ֥א כָל־הָאָ֖רֶץ כְּבוֹדֽוֹ – “..holy, holy, holy is HaShem of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory” (Yeshaya 6:3).
8:27 am – Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh.
8:31 am – Q&R – Torah intentions while doing work.
8:34 am – PARAGRAPH 6. Parshas Yisro.
8:38 am – PARAGRAPH 7. וְכָל־מַֽ֜עֲשֵׂ֗הוּ בֶּֽאֱמוּנָֽה – “…and all his deeds are with faith” (Tehillim 33:4)
***8:42 am – Parshas Bereishis. Reference to Likutey Moharan 4.
***8:45 am – The word merachefes – 288 is chesed plus gevurah. Tov is 17, Ra is 270, this is again 288. These 288 sparks fell during the creation, and it’s the task of man to repair and elevate these fallen sparks. “Let their be light” refers to the world of tikkun – repair. Ruach Elokim refers to the Torah, which makes it possible for man to repair the fallen sparks of creation.
8:51 – Parshas Yisro. (Shemos 18:21, Yisro).
8:55 – Yirah and Elokim both relate to Emunah and Malkhus.
8:57 – Judges on a Beis Din must hate any aspect of money that interferes with judgement.
9:00 – Q&R about teshuvah for a dayan. If a man becomes a litigant in a din Torah, he is disqualified from becoming a dayan.

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