Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-09-16 – LH7 – CM1 – Dayanim 3 – Para. 22-25 – Parshas Emor – Shabbos Is a Form of Eydus – Testimony – Two Levels of of Truth – Etzem HaEmes – Establishment of Yom Tom Depends on Am Yisrael – Light of the Sun – Light of the Moon – Bereishis – 3 Mitzvos Especially for Woman – Hafrashas Challah – Ner Shabbos – Niddah – Havdalah – 2 Wicks Intertwined – Shomer – Zocher

Dayanim 3 – Parshas EmorShabbos Is a Form of Eydus – Testimony – Two Levels of of Truth – Etzem HaEmes – Establishment of Yom Tom Depends on Am Yisrael – Light of the Sun – Light of the Moon – Bereishis – 3 Mitzvos Especially for Woman – Hafrashas Challah – Ner Shabbos – Niddah – Havdalah – 2 Wicks Intertwined – Shomer – Zocher – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Dayanim 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 9.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 22. Shabbos Is a Form of Eydus – Testimony – Two Levels of of Truth – Etzem HaEmes
03:00 – “Shemesh b’Shabbos is a kindness for the poor” (Taanis 8). Shabbos is an aspect of Etzem HaEmes, the higher level of truth – compared with the light of the sun.
*05:00 – Parshas Emor. The light of Yom Tov is compared with the light of the moon. עָשָׂ֣ה יָ֖רֵחַ לְמֽוֹעֲדִ֑ים שֶׁ֜֗מֶשׁ יָ֘דַ֥ע מְבוֹאֽוֹ – “He made the moon for the appointed seasons – the sun knows its [time of] arrival [setting]” (Tehillim 104:19). HaShem established Shabbos at the time of creation, while Am Yisrael establishes the time of Rosh Chodesh and the holidays.
08:00 – The Beis Din determines the establishment of the months of the year. The holiness of the holidays is established by Am Yisrael. אֵ֚לֶּה מֽוֹעֲדֵ֣י יְהֹוָ֔ה מִקְרָאֵ֖י קֹ֑דֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר־תִּקְרְא֥וּ אֹתָ֖ם בְּמֽוֹעֲדָֽם – “These are HaShem’s appointed [holy days], holy occasions, which you shall designate in their appointed time” (Vayikra 23:4, Emor).
*11:00 – The holiness of the Tzaddik Emes is constant, like the light of the sun. The light of Am Yisrael is like the light of the moon – constantly varying.
***13:00 – אֶחָד הַמַּרְבֶּה וְאֶחָד הַמַּמְעִיט, וּבִלְבַד שֶׁיְּכַוֵּין לִבּוֹ לַשָּׁמַיִם – “Whether a person does more or a person does less, the essence is the intention to serve HaShem (Berakhos 5: ). Good intention is an aspect of emes – truth.
18:00 – PARAGRAPH 23. Drawing the holiness of Shabbos into the weekdays. The emes of a weekday is compared with a window. The emes of Shabbos is Etzem HaEmes.
21:00 – The difference between the two presentations of the mitzvah of Shabbos in the two versions of the Eseres HaDibros.
***23:00 – PARAGRAPH 24. Candle lighting brings the holiness of Shabbos into the home no later than 18 minutes before sunset. This is done generally by the woman, since she can repair the extinguishing of the light of the world that took place when Chava was deceived by the Nachash.
24:00 – אַ֚ף כִּֽי־אָמַ֣ר אֱלֹהִ֔ים לֹ֣א תֹֽאכְל֔וּ מִכֹּ֖ל עֵ֥ץ הַגָּֽן – “…Did HaShem in fact say, ‘You shall not eat of any of the trees of the garden?'” (Bereishis 3:1).

30:00 – On Shabbos, everything joins together to become one, as in “HaShem is One, and His Name is One” (Zohar, Terumah 135).
32:00 – The three mitzvos that pertain especially to women represent the higher light of emes. These mitzvos are: lighting Ner Shabbos, hafrashas challah, and observing the obligations of Niddah.
***33:00 – Hafrashas Challah is a segulah for parnassah. תּוֹרַ֚ת אֱמֶת֙ הָֽיְתָ֣ה בְּפִ֔יהוּ – “The truth of Torah was in his mouth…” (Malachi 2:6).
[34:00 – Q&R about a man being reincarnated as a woman.]
[Pause for technical repair.]
42:00 – Q&R about how to achieve a higher level of emes – truth.
43:00 – The mitzvah of observing the obligations of Niddah. Tikkun HaBris is connected with emes and with the concept of Tzaddik. When a person has emes, they have everything.
46:00 PARAGRAPH 25. Havdalah – “separation”.
***49:00 – The minimum of two lights required for Shabbos, representing “shomer” and “zachor” – are two separate wicks. But after Shabbos, during Havdalah, the two minimum wicks must be intertwined. This represents emunah being intertwined tightly with emes. (Misspeak just before question? Need to check.)
53:00 – Q&R about emunah on Shabbos.
54:00 – Q&R about uniting emunah with emes on Shabbos.
55:00 – Q&R – Zachor refers to the positive mitzvos of Shabbos and relates to the man. Shomer refers to the prohibitions of Shabbos and relates to the female.
57:00 – Closing blessings.

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