Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-08-08 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 3 – Para. 5b-7 – Bereishis – Emunas Chokhomim Brings Moshiach – Bearing Children Corrects the Sin of Adam veChava – Cain – Hevel – Esav – Source of Hatred – Yerovam ben Navat – Peace of Shabbos – Power of Neder – Vow – Rochel Imeinu – Binyomin – Beis HaMikdash

Yibum 3 – Bereishis – Emunas Chokhomim Brings Moshiach – Bearing Children Corrects the Sin of Adam veChava – Cain – Hevel Esav – Source of Hatred – Yerovam ben Navat – Peace of Shabbos – Power of Neder – Vow – Rochel Imeinu – Binyomin – Beis HaMikdash – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Yibum 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 57.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5b. Bereishis – Adam veChava – Tikkun Achila – Shabbos – Emunas Chokhomim Brings Moshiach
07:00 – If a person doesn’t have Emunas Chokhomim, no remedy can cure him.
***09:00 – Bringing children into the world corrects the sin of Adam veChava. Emunas Chokhomim increases peace in the world.
12:00 – Garments for the soul originate from Emumas Chokhomim.
13:20 – PARAGRAPH 6. וְאָ֥ח לְ֜צָרָ֗ה יִוָּלֵֽד – “A brother is born for adversity” (Mishlei 17:17).
17:00 – Emunas Chokhomim unites brothers. Lack of Emunas Chokhomim gives rise to hate and strengthens the evil of Esav against Bnei Yisrael.
18:00 – The potential for hatred entered the world with the birth of Cain and Hevel.
24:00 – תֵּשֵׁב בְּאָחִ֣יךָ תְדַבֵּ֑ר בְּבֶן־אִ֜מְּךָ֗ תִּתֶּן־דֹּֽפִי – “You sit and talk against your brother; you slander your mother’s son” (Tehillim 50:20).
26:00 – Yerovam ben Navat. Shalom originates from Emunas Chokhomim.
30:00 – Uncertainties and mistakes of the 6 weekdays are repaired through the peace of Shabbos.
***40:00 – PARAGRAPH 7. Yaakov Avinu. Rochel Imeinu. Birth of Binyomin.
45:00 – Ruach for fatherhood emanates from Kol Nidre.
46:00 – Binyomin was born after Yaakov Avinu fulfilled his vow. The life force of the Aishes Chayil emanates from the power of neder – vow.
48:00 – Beis HaMikdash in in the nachala of Binyomin.
51:40 – Har HaMoriah. Dovid HaMelech’s search for the site of the Beis HaMikdash.

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