Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-08-07 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 3 – Para. 2b-5a – Bereishis – Matos – Torah sheBaal Peh – Emunas Chokhomim – Marriage – Woman Draws Her Life Force From the Oral Torah – Birth Process – Gilgul – Nedarim – Shalom – Etz HaDaas – Psak Halakha

Yibum 3 – Bereishis – Matos – Torah sheBaal Peh – Bringing Children Into the World Depends on Emunas Chokhomim – Marriage – Woman Draws Her Life Force From the Oral Torah – Birth Process – Gilgul – NedarimShalom Keeps the World Going – Aishes Chayil – Etz HaDaas – Psak Halakha – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Yibum 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 57.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2b. Torah sheBaal Peh. Bringing children into the world depends on Emunas Chokhomim. Marriage – husband and Wife – Woman Draws Her Life Force From the Oral Torah
05:00 – Spiritual dimensions of the birth process.
07:40 – Gilgul – reincarnation.
09:00 – Summary of spiritual dimensions of the birth process.
*10:00 – Q&R about children who don’t have a connection to the Torah. “Every child, in the end, will have a tikkun. The more children, the more tikkun – no matter what.”
11:00 – Q&R about Moshe Rabbeinu repairing all that needs to be repaired.
11:45 – PARAGRAPH 3. Nedarim – vows. The wife receives blessing through her husband.
18:00 – Parshas Matos. אֵ֣לֶּה הַֽחֻקִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֨ר צִוָּ֤ה יְהֹוָה֙ אֶת־משֶׁ֔ה בֵּ֥ין אִ֖ישׁ לְאִשְׁתּ֑וֹ בֵּין־אָ֣ב לְבִתּ֔וֹ בִּנְעֻרֶ֖יהָ בֵּ֥ית אָבִֽיהָ – “These are the statutes which the Lord commanded Moses concerning a man and his wife, a father and his daughter, in her youth, while in her father’s house” (Bamidbar 30:17, Matos).
20:14 – PARAGRAPH 4. Through making a neder – vow – a person receives the light of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. He also merits to achieving achila bekedusha on Shabbos, which subdues the power of Esav – the great enemy of Am Yisrael.
22:30 – Marital relations on Shabbos are comparable to the unity of the Written Torah and the Oral Torah. Because achila on Shabbos is on a higher level, the spiritual quality of a child conceived on Shabbos is more pure.
29:00 – Q&R about children of intermarriage. Note about the eventual tikkun of the soul of Bilaam: “…may my end be like them”. As a result of this sincere prayer, Bilaam was reincarnated as Naval.
32:00 – Q&R – Student’s comment about reincarnation – Barzulei.
33:30 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 89.
34:45 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 80 – peace is accomplished through uniting two opposites.
*36:00 – Shalom keeps the world going. The wife refines the blessing brought into the home by the husband.
38:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Lack of shalom indicates a lack of Emunas Chokhamim.
41:00 – The “Rabbinical Garment” (Zohar HaKodesh). In Olam HaEmes, the garments of the soul are aspects of Emunas Chokhamim.
42:00 – [Technical difficulty.]
44:00 – Sin of Adam and Chava concerning the Etz HaDaas Tov veRa is an aspect of unresolved halakha. Emunas Chokhamim repairs the sin of Adam and Chava.
***52:00 – Parshas Bereishis – Summary of how repairing the sin of Adam HaRishon and Chava is done in our own generation through Emunas Chokhomim.

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