Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-08-05 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 2 – Para. 1-5 – Ki Seitzei – Malkhus Has No Light of its Own – A Name Is a Vessel for HaShem’s Light – Children Establish Name – Issur Arayus – Chiyus – Life Energy – The Unity of Brothers – Erasing the Name of Amalek – Chalitza

Yibum 2 – Ki SeitzeiMalkhus Has No Light of its Own – A Name Is a Vessel for HaShem’s Light – Children Establish Name – Issur ArayusChiyus – Life Energy – The Unity of Brothers – Erasing the Name of Amalek Chalitza – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
02:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Hilkhos Yibum 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 56. Malkhus has no light of its own. Similar to the moon, it can only reflect light. Leadership buries the one who acquires it.
05:00 – Yibum establishes a name for a man who passed away without children.
09:30 – The continuation of the world depends on receiving the light energy of HaShem. וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָֽיְתָ֥ה תֹ֨הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְח֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְה֑וֹם – “And the earth was unformed and empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep…” (Bereishis 1:2, Bereishis).
12:00 – Continuation of a name through children negates the power of the Sutra Achra.
*15:20 – PARAGRAPH 2. Ki Seitzi. Yibum. Continuation of a name through a brother. HaShem’s chiyus – life force – is Daas.
17:40 – Issur arayus – prohibition of marrying a close relative.
19:30 – PARAGRAPH 3. Brothers are very close to one another because they originate from one source – their father. They all receive their life force through one shared channel.
23:00 – NOTE – When the spiritual energy in the letters engraved on the luchos returned to their Source, Moshe Rabbeinu couldn’t bear the weight of the stones, so they were broken.
28:00 – NOTE about the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash through fire.
30:00 – The process of Yibum repairs the soul of the brother who passed away.
34:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. The mitzvah to erase the name of Amalek.
37:20 – PARAGRAPH 5. וְנִגְּשָׁ֨ה יְבִמְתּ֣וֹ אֵלָיו֘ לְעֵינֵ֣י הַזְּקֵנִים֒ וְחָֽלְצָ֤ה נַֽעֲלוֹ֙ מֵעַ֣ל רַגְל֔וֹ וְיָֽרְקָ֖ה בְּפָנָ֑יו – “Then his brother’s wife shall approach him before the eyes of the elders and remove his shoe from his foot. And she shall spit before his face” (Devarim 25:9, Ki Seitzei). The procedure of Yibum. Upper Daas and Lower Daas. The upper Daas is the highest level of machlokes – dispute.
41:20 – וּרְאֵֽה־בָנִ֥ים לְבָנֶ֑יךָ שָׁ֜ל֗וֹם עַל־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל – “And may you see children [born] to your children, peace upon Israel” (Tehillim 128:6).
43:10 – Yibum is an aspect of Machlokes leShem Shemayaim.
47:50 – Zivug of Moshe Rabbeinu was only the upper aspect of zivug. He was told to “remove your shoes” at the burning thornbush. When the living brother refuses to marry the widow of his childless brother, she must perform the mitzvah of Yibum by removing his shoe. Comparison between the wife and shoes.
53:00 – Why the widow spits in front of her husband’s brother during chalitza.
55:30 – Q&R about the Nine Days. The story of Noach.
*59:00 – BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal. “I’m responsible for the whole world? Yes, through tefilah.”
60:00 – NOTE about current events. Rabbi Maimon was in Meron and Tzefas yesterday (29 Tammuz 5784) for tefilas Yom Kippur Katan. He saw shuls and homes boarded up because residents had fled, due to the threat of war.

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