Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

To make a dedication, click HERE.

LH5-25-Trumos uMaasros

2024-03-31 – LH5 – YD2 – Trumos uMaasros 3 – Para. 3-5a – Excessive Fire in the Heart – Pinchas vs. Zimri – The Key to Teshuva Is Humility – Achila beKedushah – Eating with Holiness – Etz HaDaas vs. Etz HaChaim – Lifting the Hands

Trumos uMaasros 3 – Excessive Fire in the Heart – Pinchas vs. Zimri – The Key to Teshuva Is Humility – Achila beKedushah – Eating with Holiness – Etz HaDaas vs. Etz HaChaim – Lifting the Hands – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Trumos uMaasros 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 78.
00:00 – Dangers of excessive fire in the heart. Pinchas vs. Zimri.
07:00 – Dovid HaMelech and Yeravam ben Navat.
09:00 – The key to teshuvah is humility – a broken heart. Even if the only result of a person’s teshuva is to reduce his punishment in Olam Habah, it’s worth it.
13:00 – Excessive fire in serving HaShem is an aspect of arrogance.
15:00 – Q&R about examples of excessive fire in the heart: fasting, staying up late and not getting enough sleep.
*16:40 – PARAGRAPH 4. Achila beKedushah – eating with holiness. Achieving balance in the use of energy received from food.
18:30 – Good vs. very good. A person needs to stay away from the Etz HaDaas, which is a mixture of good and evil, and cling to the Etz HaChaim. Adam HaRishon’s mistake was to try to go beyond his bounds.
23:00 – יַֽעֲל֣וּ שָׁ֖מַיִם יֵֽרְד֣וּ תְהוֹמ֑וֹת – “They went up to the heavens, they came down to the depths…” Tehillim 107:26. Reference to Likutey Moharan 72.
25:30 – The error of Chava in adding to what HaShem commanded was an example of excessive fire in the heart.
28:00 – Esav tried to fool his father by asking questions that were overly religious.
***29:30 – Q&R – How can learning gemara be dangerous for a person if they’re new to it?
31:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. The mitzvah of separating Trumah and giving it to the kohen.
*34:00 – It’s important to study Torah with balance and not with excessive fire. The five books of the Torah correspond to the 5 branches of the lungs, which cool the heart.
36:00 – The hands are an extension of the lungs. Reference to Likutey Moharan 45.
40:00 – Q&R about lifting the hands – a Jew doesn’t lift his hands to do harm, but lifting the hands in tefilah is permitted.
41:00 – Q&R about knowing the “middle path” day by day: through daily tefilah, Torah study, and attachment to tzaddikim.
44:45 – NOTE – today is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk zal – the 21st of Adar.
47:00 – Closing blessings.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.