Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Chayey Moharan - Life of Rebbe Nachman/ חיי מוהר"ן

2024-03-17 – CM71 – Chayey Moharan 562 – Today is Zayin Adar – Tzedakah to Eretz Yisrael – Especially in Adar

Chayey Moharan 562 –
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 562.
04:00 – PARAGRAPH 563. The name of the Shekhina during the time of Avraham Avinu was Sarah. In ATBaSH, Sarah is 95 – the opposing force to Haman (95).
08:00 – PARAGRAPH 564. Emunah is the “forgotten stone” which becomes the foundation stone.
15:00 – Q&R about tzedakah in Adar.
18:00 – PARAGRAPH 565. The greatness of HaShem. Teshuvah above Torah can be attained through crying out and screaming to HaShem. The emphasis in our generation is tefilah in all forms.
22:00 – Q&R about pride and feeling dejected.

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