Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-20-Kiley Begadim

2024-01-31 – Kiley Begadim 4 – Para. 3b-4 – Shatnez – Clothing of Wool – Tzemer – Secrets of Torah – Light of the Tzaddik – Clothing of Linen – Pishtim – Eyes of the Generation

Kiley Begadim 4 – Shatnez – Clothing of Wool – Tzemer – Secrets of Torah – Light of the Tzaddik – Clothing of Linen – Pishtim – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Kiley Begadim 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 133“The path of tzaddikim is like a shining light.”
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3b. Clothing of wool corresponds with the light of the tzaddik.
17:00 – Q&R – Is there a tzaddik today who can forgive sins?
25:00 – Q&R – What is preferable – confessing to the tzaddik at his kever or to HaShem in hisbodedus?
30:00 – Q&R about differences of opinions between tzaddikim.
32:00 – Q&R about the generation of the mabul – the flood.
33:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. The light The tzaddik is the “eyes of the congregation”. The angel Gavriel is dressed in linen.
41:00 – The tzaddikim are called the “Eyes of the Community” because they bring light to the generation. Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 67.
42:00 – The spiritual qualities of light.
44:00 – The connection between the eyes, the heart, and the intellect.
47:00 – Shatnez – the Torah’s prohibition of wearing wool and linen together.

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