Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-18-Kiley Kerem-2

2023-12-27 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Kerem 2 – Para. 7-9 – Wine for Kiddush – “MaH” to “MeAH” – Bitul During Tefilah – Ohr Ein Sof – Tachanun – Why the Gravesite of Moshe Rabbeinu is Hidden

Kiley Kerem 2 – Wine for Kiddush “MaH” to “MeAH”Bitul During Tefilah Ohr Ein SofTachanun – Why the Gravesite of Moshe Rabbeinu is Hidden – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Kiley Kerem 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 4.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 7. Wine for Kiddush.
05:00 – PARAGRAPH 8. The significance of the number 45 – “MaH” to “MeAH”Bitul During Tefilah Ohr Ein Sof
10:00 – Q&R about Bitul.
11:30 – PARAGRAPH 9. Tefilah is Bitul to the Ohr Ein Sof.
41:00 – Kaddish is a process of expansion from Katnus deMochin to Gadlus deMochin.
43:00 – Q&R about the Ohr Ein Sof.
55:00 – Q&R about Hilkhos Tefilah beTzibur.

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