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Kiley Kerem 2 – Praying for Rain – Tefilah is Serving Hashem with the Heart – Healthy Bitul – Parnassah Through the Tzaddik – Shmad is Disconnection from Hashem – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Kiley Kerem 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 4.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1b.
06:23 – Tefilah calls for Dveykus and Bitul to Ain Sof – self-nullification to honor Hashem.
08:51 – NOTE about Rav Nosson of Nemirov zal. Although he was an accomplished Torah scholar and came from a wealthy home, he was questing for deeper meaning in life until he met Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. Speaking the truth in one’s heart: story of Rav Safra agreeing to a price in his mind, but wasn’t able to speak. Speech is the lower Shekhina, the heart is the upper Shekhina.
*17:08 – Hashem sees the heart.
18:43 – Q&R.
19:53 – PARAGRAPH 2. Praying for rain.
21:54 – PARAGRAPH 3. The earth was cursed because of Adam’s sin. Achieving the perfection of Daas through Bitul. Reference to Likutey Moharan 4.
25:53 – Q&R about Bitul. The goal of Bitul is use the light received to serve Hashem better.
26:37 – Adam HaRishon.
29:39 – In the merit of a Tzaddik who nullifies himself completely to Hashem, the entire world is sustained.
*32:47 – PARAGRAPH 4. Kiley Kerem – the prohibition of planting different types of crops together. By altering the nature of a seed, the plant loses its ability to connect with its spiritual source.
45:24 – Levels of connection with Hashem. Shmad is disconnection from Hashem.
47:30 – Q&R about Bitul.
50:00 – Q&R – What is healthy Bitul?
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