Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-12-19 – LH5 – YD2 – Orlah 5 – Para. 17b-19a – Purim – 127 Lands – Achashverosh – Arrogance vs. Humility – Orah veSimcha veSasson veYakar – Source for Purim in Sefer VaYikra – Metzora Caused by Arrogance

Orlah 5 – Purim – 127 Lands – Achashverosh – Arrogance vs. Humility – Orah veSimcha veSasson veYakar – Source for Purim in Sefer VaYikraMetzora Caused by Arrogance – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Orlah 5 is based on Likutey Moharan 14.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 17b. Purim – 127 Lands of Achashverosh – Arrogance vs. Humility.
06:00 – Arrogance of Achashverosh. One nation will battle against another nation. What kills the wicked? Their own arrogance.
09:00 – Esther represents humility – her name means “hidden”, low-profile. Reference to Likutey Moharan 219.
10:00 – Source for the name Mordechai in the Torah. Mor – bitterness, and Dror – freedom.
13:30 – PARAGRAPH 18. “Orah veSimcha beSasson”.
15:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 135 – observing the 3 Yomim Tovim – holidays – generates joy and helps a person achieve true humility.
17:00 – “The humble will hear and rejoice.”
29:00 – “Sasson” refers to Bris MilahGeyrim and Baalei Teshuvah.
20:00 – “VaYakar” refers to the honor that from the low places of exile Am Yisrael is able to bring forth the souls of Geyrim and Baalei Teshuvah.
21:00 – Mordechai taught Torah in a way opened up the words of the Torah. He was also called Pesachya because he opened the light of the Torah.
***27:12 – Q&R about how the descendants of Tzaddikim sometimes fall away from the Torah. The benefits of studying Torah on Shabbos. Rebbe Nachman said a person should have as many children as they possibly can, because eventually they will all have a tikkun.
*31:30 – PARAGRAPH 19. Parshas Metzora – skin diseases that result from arrogance (Chayey Moharan). Recovery process of the metzora – leper.
35:28 – Q&R about Jews who have non-Jewish children.

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