Chadash 2 – Refinement of Food Through Sefiras HaOmer – Pas Shacharis – 16th of Nissan – Parshas Pinchas – Korbon Rosh Chodesh – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Chadash 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 2 – Torah 8.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2b. Sefiras HaOmer begins on the 16th of Nissan.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. The Manna began to fall on the 16th of Nissan.
25:00 – Q&R about Kavana when eating bread. If a person is speaking with a lack of Sechel, he may not have eaten bread yet that day.
27:00 – Q&R about how to achieve the spiritual effects of Korbon Omer. Description of Sefiras HaOmer in chassidish tradition.
28:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. Sefiras HaOmer begins on the 16th of Nissan, when the moon begins to wane.
35:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Parshas Pinchas. The sacrifice given on Rosh Chodesh on behalf of Hashem because He diminished the light of the moon (Chulin 60).
49:00 – Q&R about Tefilah beKoach.
50:00 – Closing blessings.
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